
Abidah El Khalieqy, in her work entitled Geni Jora, displays a form of reconstruction of patriarchal cultural domination that has changed the paradigm of stereotypes that have imprisoned women in the prison of patriarchal cultural domination. This article aims to examine the form of patriarchal culture and the form of reconstruction of patriarchal cultural domination through efforts to fulfil needs using Erich Fromm's psychoanalytic study. The data in the study were analysed using the descriptive method. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the forms of the patriarchal culture that appear in the novel Geni Jora include: (1) stereotyping/negative labelling, (2) violence against women, and (3) subordination. Kejora's actions to reconstruct the dominance of patriarchal culture are carried out by fulfilling the needs consisting of two fulfilments according to Erich Fromm, namely: (1) the need for freedom and attachment (connectedness, unity, and creation), and (2) to understand and do (framework orientation and effectiveness).

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