
In this paper, the distribution network reconfiguration with simultaneous capacitor switching, in the presence of wind generators, by Simulated Annealing (SA) is presented. Analysed test network has 69 nodes including the slack one and 73 branches, all of which can commutate. Following assumptions are made: load in nodes is changed according to Gauss distribution and wind generator power with Weibull one, every hour, then there are two wind generators of 200 kW maximum power each (10% of total, nominal active power load) and they can be allocated to any node but the slack one. The same is valid for the capacitor banks regarding allocation. This switching logic is unrealistic. On its basis more realistic one was issued with fixed nodes for allocation of wind generators and capacitor banks (the most frequently visited nodes), by Monte Carlo graphical method. Input power factor is to be greater than 0.85 which is not fulfilled with commencing configuration (from the start) so that allocation of capacitor banks is mandatory. Another constraint is that the network should not be overcompensated. Four realistic scenarios are investigated. In the first one only network with wind generators is analysed and the rest are dedicated to all possible combinations of the regulation. The programme is automated indicating the price of configuration, generated banks, input data (active and reactive load, power and location of wind generators) and savings which change on an hourly basis. The wind generators are uniformly distributed in accordance to nodes (for the less realistic scenario) and generate only active power complying with Weibull distribution. The graphical results are presented for a 1000-hour operation (operation in one thousand hours, every hour different) and the analysis is done for a thousand-hour work. The presented method shows that considerable savings can be achieved by simultaneous application of reconfiguration method and capacitor switching with already allocated wind generators.

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