
Ultrastructural study of gonadal muscles in sea star, Asterina pectinifera, showed that myoepithelial cells were located only in the epithelial lining of the genital coelomic sinus. No myoepithelial cells were found in the visceral peritoneal epithelium or within connective tissue layer of the outer sac. Morphology of the myoepithelial cells in gonads of A. pectinifera varies during the reproductive cycle. During the gametogenic phase of the reproductive cycle, the myoepithelial cells get an elongated, spindle-like shape having a length of 20–30 m. In prespawning gonads, many of the myoepithelial cells form cytoplasmic extensions of 3–5 m in length, filled with myofilaments and penetrating into the underlying connective tissue of the outer sac or haemal sinus. Besides, myoepithelial cells, simultaneously anchored in the inner and outer sacs, were also observed. These changes result in development of more elaborated musculature and increase in contractility of the gonadal wall in prespawning gonads as compared to that during other stages of the reproductive cycle.

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