
The article makes an attempt to clarify the specifics of the reinterpretation of the “Divine Child” archetype in the aspect of implementing the Sustainable Development Program adopted in September 2015 by the decision of the UN General Assembly. The main ways of overcoming the current crisis of education are identified through the formation of new mental invariants of the basic first elements of culture through clarifying the meanings of archetypes, the formation of new layers and the production of values. It is suggested that such reinterpretation is a significant step towards creating a balanced model of the global community, since the reorientation of the paradigm of public consciousness necessitates the reform of the education system. Actualization of the “Divine Child” archetype in the aspect of implementing the Sustainable Development Program demonstrates the modification of the cultural heritage of mankind in a global society. The child, however, is the archetypal foundation of the very first being. The transformation of the original archetype into the modern life flow is due to value orientations, mental structures, religious-spiritual concepts and socio-cultural requirements of the day. The authors emphasize that the semantic center of comprehension of the problem of childhood is the archetype “Divine Child”, which acts as a matrix of collective unconscious experience and is realized in reality. In the article it was found, in particular, that, regardless of the cultural orientations of the age, the semantic center of childhood is based on the understanding that the younger generation is carrying out a renewal of life and in the future will form a new world order. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer education from simply reproducing knowledge and skills to the competencies necessary for existence in a modern dynamic society.

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