
Reinterpretation the Concept of Heretic toward the Transformative of Islam. This articles aims to reinterpret the concept of heretic (bidah) with a philosophical approach, based on the concept of the transformative of Islam proposed by Moeslim Abdurrahman. The data were collected through library research of the whole concept of heresy, both conservative and moderate then analyzed based on the concept of the conceptual, sociological and antropological approach. This paper found the need to think philosophically about the concept of heretic, by finding the basic purpose of the revealed of religion, so that there is no contradiction between one doctrine and another. Thus, heresy is no longer as the burden of history of Muslim creativity and innovation, but it is indeed the impetus to find breakthroughs in the settlement of various social problems of society.


  • Abstrak: Reinterpretasi Konsep Bidah Menuju Islam Transformatif

  • This paper found the need to think philosophically about the concept of heretic, by finding the basic purpose of the revealed of religion, so that there is no contradiction between one doctrine and another

  • M, “Plurality of Religion Future Challenges of Religion and Democracy in Indonesia,” Journal of Indonesian Islam, Vol 09, No 02, Desember 2015

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Konsep Islam Transformatif

Istilah Islam Transformatif pertama kali dipopulerkan oleh Moeslim Abdurrahman. Moeslim Abdurrahman sendiri lahir di Lamongan, Jawa Timur pada tanggal 8 Agustus 1947. Muhyiddin Abdusshomad dalam buku Fiqih Tradisionalis, contoh bidah hasanah antara lain adalah khutbah yang diter­ jemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia,antara lain, (1) membuka suatu acara dimulai dengan membaca basmalah di bawah seorang komando, (2) memberi nama pengajian dengan istilah kuliah shubuh, pengajian ahad pagi atau titian senja, (3) menambah bacaan subhânallâhu wata’âla (yang diringkas dengan Swt) setiap ada kalimat Allah, (4) menambah shallallâhu ‘alaihi wa sallâma (yang disingkat Saw) setiap ada kata Muhammad, (5) serta perbuatan perbuatan lainnya yang belum pernah ada pada masa Rasulullah Saw, namun tidak bertentangan dengan inti ajaran Islam. Imam Malik bahkan mengatakan: “Barangsiapa membuat bidah dalam Islam, dan dia menyangka bidahnya itu baik, maka berarti dia menuduh Muhammad menghianati/tidak menyampaikan risalah karena Allah telah berfirman: “Pada hari ini telah aku sempurnakan bagimu agamamu”

Polemik Seputar Bidah
Pemaknaan Bidah yang Optimis
Reinterpretasi Konsep Bidah Menuju Islam Transformatif
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