
A wide range of clustering algorithms exists, most of them expose many hyperparameters, on which clustering partition quality depends. Simultaneous algorithm (model) selection and its hyperparameters optimization is considered to be a sophisticated task, which is known according to some sources as combined algorithm selection and hyperparameter optimization. In this paper, we focus on problem of selecting a clustering algorithm and its hyperparameter vector simultaneously given a dataset in order to achieve the best partition quality. We propose a method for selecting a proper clustering algorithm and its hyperparameter vector using reinforcement learning. Instead of tuning hyperparameters for all available clustering algorithms and selecting one showing the best performance, we make them to compete for time that they can use for optimizing their own hyperparameters. In our algorithm, we use a framework for multi-armed bandit problem, which is a special case of reinforcement learning. Each clustering algorithm is considered as an arm in the multi-armed bandit setting, while assigning a time budget to optimize hyperparameters of a clustering algorithm is considered as playing the corresponding arm. We conducted series of experiments for comparing out reinforcement learning approach to the classical exhaustive search approach. We conducted experiments on 20 datasets from UCI Repository such as Iris, haberman, krvskp, glass and other. We use 19 cluster validity indices to validate the clusters, built by selected and configured algorithm. As a hyperparameter optimization algorithm, we used SMAC. Our approach managed to improve model selection and hyperparameter optimization process, by sustaining the exploration-exploitation trade-off and spending available time budget more wisely.

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