
This paper represents an investigating on performative capacities of the vernacular material system and strategies as an integration of spatial and environmental. Reinforced-earth with natural fibre brings up a new discussion by reintroducing this primal material system and applying alternative evolvements and enhancement in order to retrieve as an available, affordable and sustainable material. Subsequently, an innovative design approach can deploy inherent behavioural characteristic and performative capacities of material elements and techniques towards proposing an efficient assembly application. In present paper view, the central task of ‘Reinforced Earth Anticlastic Envelope System' is to understand capacities of vernacular architectural strategies in a synergy with materialization and structure behaviour. In addition, the main underlying concept is to argue the key role of material system development alongside the formation of architectural objects (i.e. roofs, screens, walls, envelopes, etc.). The Following research approach within the Emergence Technologies and design Program context. A system exhibits emergence when there is coherent emergent at the macro-level that dynamically arise from the interactions between the parts at the micro-level. Responsiveness and efficiency of this proposed material system within the effect of environmental stimuli and the spectrum of new interconnecting it has been examined by analogue form generating and digital analysis methods.

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