
The current work investigates the behavior and strength of T-shaped cross section ring deep beams through a Finite element parametric study. Currently, ring diameter, loading type, concrete compressive strength and number of supports are taken into consideration. It is found that increasing ring diameter of beam by 12.5-25% leads to increase the maximum positive moment, maximum negative moment, maximum torsional moment and midspan deflection by 1.1-2.2%, 2.2-4.3%, 3-6% and 16-33%, respectively, while the load ultimate capacity increases by 11-17%. The positive and torsional moments at midspan and midspan deflection decrease by 23-36%, 3-11% and 6-14%, respectively when the loading type varies from concentered to full uniformly load over a span length of 33, 50, 67 and 100%, respectively. In a related context, this change in load type leads the negative moment at support and the load ultimate capacity to increase by 2-21% and 6-85%, respectively. The midspan positive moment, negative moment, torsional moment and load ultimate capacity increase by 20.4-71.3%, 20-69.7%, 15.6-43.8% and 21-73%, respectively, whereas deflection decreases by 1.4-11%, when increasing the compressive concrete strength by 45-190%. Finally, it is found that the load ultimate capacity increases by 82-348%, when number of supports increases by 25-100%, while torsional moment, maximum positive moments, maximum negative moments and midspan deflection decrease by 11-50%, 38-76.4%, 38.6-76.8% and 14-39%, respectively due to this increase in the number of supports.

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