
The traditional peer review process in medicine faces a crisis marked by publication delays, potential bias, and a lack of transparency. These issues hinder scientific progress and undermine the credibility of published medical findings, which inform healthcare practices and clinical decision-making. In response, innovative models like the Peer Community In (PCI) Research Reports (RR) have emerged, providing a rapid, transparent, and collaborative evaluation process for scientific research. Peer Community In Research Reports aims to address the issues within the traditional peer review system by focusing on preprints and fostering trust and credibility in published research. The success of the PCI RR model depends on the active engagement and support of researchers, publishers, and other stakeholders. Ideally, researchers should submit their work to PCI RR, while publishers should be open to embracing innovative peer review models. Policymakers and funding agencies should promote the adoption of open science principles and practices at a systemic level. In conclusion, addressing the crisis in the peer review process requires the collective efforts of the entire scientific community. By embracing and supporting innovative alternatives like the PCI RR model, stakeholders can help establish a more efficient and credible peer review system, ultimately benefiting scientific progress and patient care.

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