
This study aimed to compare rehospitalization rates, diagnoses, and well-baby nursery (WBN) length of stay (LOS) among rehospitalized infants born during the COVID-19 pandemic to those born prior. A retrospective comparison of 215 infants rehospitalized from March 1, 2019 to March 1, 2021 was performed in an urban academic center. Rates of readmission were determined for all infants using an unadjusted odds ratio. Among infants rehospitalized at ≤30 and ≤7 days, key cohort characteristics were analyzed using chi-square analysis, Fisher's exact test, independent t-test, and nonparametric testing as applicable. Differences in readmission diagnoses determined by International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code and chart review were evaluated with multivariable logistic regression comparing infants born during the pandemic to the year prior. Pandemic infants had a 51% increased odds of rehospitalization ≤7 days of discharge from WBN compared with prepandemic infants (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.09-2.09). Rehospitalized infants born during the pandemic had shorter WBN LOS; infants rehospitalized ≤30 days had LOS of 54.3 ± 18.6 versus 59.6 ± 16.2 hours (p = 0.02) and infants rehospitalized ≤7 days had LOS of 53.8 ± 17.8 versus 60.8 ±17.0 hours (p = 0.02). The pandemic group of infants had a 3.5 increased odds of being readmitted for hyperbilirubinemia compared with other diagnoses after adjusting for biological sex, ethnicity, percent weight lost at time of discharge, gestational age, and mode of delivery (CI 1.9, 6.4). Rehospitalization ≤7 days post-WBN discharge was more common in infants born during the pandemic. Infants rehospitalized during the pandemic were more likely to have shorter WBN LOS and to be rehospitalized for hyperbilirubinemia. Retrospective analyses limit conclusions about causation but suggest that being born during the pandemic increased risk of rehospitalization for hyperbilirubinemia among infants in urban, under resourced setting warranting further investigation. · Newborns rehospitalized during the pandemic had a shorter newborn nursery stay.. · Newborns in the pandemic had a higher rate of rehospitalization within 7 days of birth compared to year prior.. · More infants who required readmission during the pandemic were hospitalized for hyperbilirubinemia..

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