
This study describes the rehabilitation length of stay (LOS), discharge destination and discharge functional status of 149 patients admitted with traumatic brain injury (TBI) to an Australian hospital over a 5-year period. Hospital charts of patients admitted between 1993-1998 were reviewed. Average LOS over the 5-year time period was 61.8 days and only decreased nominally over this time. Longer LOS was predicted by lower admission motor FIM scores and presence of comorbidities. Mean admission and discharge motor FIM scores were 58 and 79, which represented a gain of 21 points. Higher discharge motor FIM scores were predicted by higher admission motor FIM scores and younger age. FIM gain was predicted by cognitive status and age. Most patients, 88%, were discharged back to the community, with 30% changing their living setting or situation. Changing living status was predicted by living alone and having poorer functional status on admission.

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