
According to a World Health Organization (WHO) working group and experts of the International Society of Cardiology, 2,a rehabilitation of cardiac patients can be defined as the sum of activities required to insure them the best possible physical, mental, and social conditions, so that they may, by their own efforts, regain as normal as possible a place in the community and lead an active, productive life. It must be emphasized that the concept of a rehabilitation program for the Coronary patient cannot be considered an isolated form of therapy, but rather a part of a complex management schema. The integrity of rehabilitation should be based on the physical ability of the patient; thus physical capabilities and functional assessment must play a decisive role. 1 Before discussing the different phases of rehabilitation of coronary patients, the results of an international survey prepared for the Scientific Council of Cardiac Rehabilitation of the International Society of Cardiology 4 will be reviewed to emphasize the multiple complexities inherent to the field.

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