
The definition of hypodontia is obvious and unambiguous: “one or additional congenitally absent teeth” it’s a genetic disease that denotes a stronger clinical expression of hypodontia, includes a wide and non-specific. To define oligodontia. The “absence of the many teeth, sometimes related to little size of the prevailing teeth and alternative anomalies”. The prevalence of genetic disease has been reported as zero.3%. It affects females the maximum amount as males, with a gender quantitative relation of 3:2.3. Genes accountable for non syndromic genetic disease area unit found to be MSX1 and PAX9 genes. Within the current edition of the glossary of dentistry Terms, the definition reads “the formation of less than full complete teeth. Several such teeth area unit smaller than normal”. Current article describe a case of genetic disease treated with jaw unilateral exactitude attachment on distal side of 11 and bar & clip maintained overdenture for the second quadrant with a 1 piece forged denture support of anterioposterior-palatal strap and mandibular complete arch rehabilitation with metal ceramic crowns.

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