
Currently he rehabilitation of concrete pavements in the USA is mainly performed by the so called cracking and seating technique. An extensive review of the advantages and disadvantages of the existing concrete pavements rehabilitation techniques is given. The use of an abrasive waterjet cutting technique for slotting the concrete pavement slabs is proposed. Instead of the common square rectangular shaped concrete fragments, which have a detrimental effect on the reflective cracks, thus on the service life of the overlays, more suitable diamond shaped fragments are proposed. Extensive experimental work is done on investigation of the effects of the abrasive waterjet cutting parameters on the depth of cut in concrete slabs. A mathematical model based on the experimental data is developed relating the depth of cut to the waterjet pressure, jet traverse speed, abrasive flow rate and standoff distance.KeywordsTraverse SpeedStandoff DistanceConcrete BlockConcrete PavementAbrasive WaterjetThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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