
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a common medical condition with a major socio-economic impact. The prevalence among the adult population is estimated at 5–30%. Her pathology is based on venous hypertension of the lower extremities. This leads to swelling, subcutaneous fibrosis, pigmentation, chronic pain and ulceration. Treatment options for CVI include medical, interventional, surgical treatments, as well as exercise. Primary treatment of CVI includes conservative approaches to reduce symptoms and prevent the development of secondary complications and disease progression. Comprehensive Rehabilitation Care (CRC) includes positional treatment, drainage technician, supportive skin care methods, structured exercise program, and physiotherapy - intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), compression stocking (CS), patient training, and other methods. CVI is a chronic disease that needs lifelong care. The purpose of this report is to summarize the types of rehabilitation care (RG) as part of the conservative treatment approach in patients with CVD based on literature sources.

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