
Introduction: Treacher Colling syndrome or mandibulo facial dysostosi is a malformation craniofacial that affects bones and face tissues. It’s considered a multifactorial are genetic disease. Objectives: Realize a review highlightening many ways of treatment and rehab of the pacients, whose purpose is to improve the pacient’s quality of life and welfare. Methodology: All the research was realized based on the informaction collected in another arcticles published in internacional magazines, review of cases and clinics cases linked to the syndrome, found on SciELO, MEDLINE, DT Science. Results: The treatment from the sequelae of Treacher Collins syndrome is directed to correction and rehabilitation of the existing derformities. Started since prenatal phase, guied the family about the parcticularities of the anomaly and the necessary caring throughout life. The pacients need numerous surgeries until the adult phase to your rehab. Preoperative planning and stratification of the surgical procedure are extremely important for the final results and pacient rehab. Conclusions: From a multidisciplinary team, which the professionals work together, aim to turn the pacient’s life better, either in the physical area, a esthetical or psychological.

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