
The issue of normative-legal regulation of international mixed transportations is investigated. It is substantiated that the legal regulation of international mixed transport affects the choice of mode of transport and transport company that provides services, ensuring a rational level of financial and time costs, as well as delivery of goods without damage in full. Rules and legislation in the system of international mixed transport, developed both at the national level and those existing in international legal practice, play an important role. Regulatory and legal support for the provision of services by transport companies for the delivery of goods from consumer to producer based on the use of two or more types of vehicles. The advantages of users in the implementation of foreign trade operations due to the effective organization and the latest information of the technology of transportation, including the reduction of time spent on transportation of goods; reduction of transport costs due to the efficiency of a modern data exchange system; preservation of cargo throughout the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer, ie its original state, which becomes possible under the conditions of direct control at each stage of transportation. The norms of international law on the regulation of services provided by transport companies are highlighted. The directions of practical application of the existing legislation of Ukraine on management of international mixed transportations, in particular transport and intercontinental connections are substantiated. The practical significance of the obtained results is determined by the expansion of the possibilities of introduction of international mixed transport by transport enterprises at the world level on the basis of harmonization of the norms of the Ukrainian legislation regulating transportations with the norms of international law.

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