
The author of the research article raises current legal issues regarding the regulatory challenges associated with the commercialization of outer space, with a particular focus on space tourism. The study aims to solve the legal dilemma of the lack of a legal framework that would define commercial spaceflight because this problem creates ambiguity in the understanding of the phenomenon of space tourism and raises concerns about the regulatory way of space exploration by private companies. The methods of analysis consist of the benefit of theoretical aspects of international space law for the designation of a mutual understanding between commercial interests and the principles of space exploration. The obtained results of the study lead to the conclusion that the main factor that inhibits the implementation of proper legal regulation of commercial space activity is uncertainty in the application of one or another law to regulate flights with space tourists, which, in the opinion of the author, should be eliminated employing regulatory direction on the proper legal regime, a clear definition of the boundary between outer space and air space, the weight of the norms of international law as opposed to the applications of states regarding the expediency of the norms of national law. The author's solution is the initiative for the governance of the unsettling areas through contractual arrangements. This idea is due to the results of the study about the predictability of the potential loss of relevance of international space law for the regulation of commercial space flights, therefore the auxiliary role of contract law is delivered. For its implementation, the author emphasizes the prospect of maintaining a regulatory course on (i) management of property rights, (ii) management of space resources in the direction of prohibition of appropriation and commercial colonization of celestial bodies; (iii) provisions for liability in the event of flight anomalies, safe rescue accidents, and the return of space tourists.

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