
Recently, in Romania, a regulation concerning teleworking activity was adopted that was modeled after Japan's legislation, although similar regulations existed in some EU member states. Previously, there is no teleworking regulation in the Romanian labour law, but it is considered to be a form of recent work, characterized by the fact that the employee is working regularly outside the employer's premises, using the information technologies linked to the employer's computer network. At the European level on 16 July 2002, however, between U.I.C.E. - on behalf of the employer - and U.E.A.P.M.E, C.E.E.R and C.E.S. - from the professional organizations of the employees - the framework agreement on telework. Application of the Law on teleworking will confirm whether its provisions are more or less met by the expectations of employers and employees interested in such a flexible form of work organization.

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