
Environmental stress influences the cellular physiology in multiple ways. Transcription by all the three RNA polymerases (Pols I, II, or III) in eukaryotes is a highly regulated process. With latest advances in technology, which have made many extensive genome-wide studies possible, it is increasingly recognized that all the cellular processes may be interconnected. A comprehensive view of the current research observations brings forward an interesting possibility that Pol II-associated factors may be directly involved in the regulation of expression from the Pol III-transcribed genes and vice versa, thus enabling a cross-talk between the two polymerases. An equally important cross-talk between the Pol I and Pol II/III has also been documented. Collectively, these observations lead to a change in the current perception that looks at the transcription of a set of genes transcribed by the three Pols in isolation. Emergence of an inclusive perspective underscores that all stress signals may converge on common mechanisms of transcription regulation, requiring an extensive cross-talk between the regulatory partners. Of the three RNA polymerases, Pol III turns out as the hub of these cross-talks, an essential component of the cellular stress-response under which the majority of the cellular transcriptional activity is shut down or re-aligned.

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