
This article lists regulatory and legal documents regulating paid veterinary services Governmental, regional. Recommended list of paid and free veterinary services. The objects of state veterinary supervision, methods and techniques are listed. An analysis of extrabudgetary revenues from the provision of paid veterinary services by specialists of the Irkutsk region based on the results of the activities of 15 regional state budget institutions is presented. The analysis shows that 35.5% of the provision of paid veterinary services was for personnel. Table 2 shows the use of extrabudgetary revenues of state veterinary institutions of the Irkutsk region from the provision of paid veterinary services. An analysis of the financial activities of animal disease control stations in the Irkutsk region shows that 56.3% of extrabudgetary funding is due to the provision of paid veterinary services. Due to special climatic conditions, it is planned to increase the cost of paid veterinary services by 50% for cities and areas equated to the regions of the Far North. The cost of services provided at night, increased by 50%. The list of prices is supplemented and expanded by types of services not taken into account in previously valid price lists. The price list is revised with the introduction of VAT in the amount of 20%. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Russian Federation on January 28, 1992, approved a list of paid and free veterinary services. The free veterinary services performed at the expense of the budget (vaccination, diagnosis, treatment) include events for especially dangerous diseases of animals, birds, fish. The provision of paid veterinary services is regulated by the Rules for the provision of paid veterinary services, approved by Decree of the Government of Russia dated August 06, 1998 No. 898. Paid veterinary services are provided to productive and unproductive animals in farms and enterprises, regardless of subordination and forms of ownership. In total, prices have been developed for 2186 different types of paid veterinary services.

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