
One would probably agree that the provision of persons with disabilities is an important objective of the legal regulation of social relations in which participants are persons with disabilities. There is a need for the proper regulatory environment that would enable people with disabilities to shape themselves into leading positions in business, economic, and social life. This paper focuses on and analyses the present state of the regulatory framework for the social and economic provision of persons with disabilities in Ukraine. We conduct a thorough investigation of all levels of legal regulation by conducting a concise analysis of basic normative legal acts regulating relations in the national system of the social and economic provision of persons with disabilities. A proper social and economic provision for persons with disabilities would mean to provide them with various rights. In particular, one can mention the right for housing, possibility of their movement, treatment, rehabilitation, education, employment, etc. should be considered. We determine that for effective regulation of the social and economic provision of persons with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out certain coordination work among all subjects of this system. Moreover, we identify omissions in the legal regulation of the social and economic provision of persons with disabilities in Ukraine, namely absence of approved state strategic plans and program documents; lack of elaboration, systematization and implementation of the tools of a mechanism of institutional regulation of the social and economic provision of persons with disabilities; gaps in fiscal legislation.

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