
To appreciate the mechanisms governing olfactory-mediated behavior, pro- cesses of chemical signal production and transmission in fluid media (air or water) must be understood. With new tools becoming available in analytical chemistry and fluid dy- namics, investigators can now quantitatively address the processes governing chemical signals in field habitats. This study identifies the role of amino acids as signal molecules regulating search behavior and foraging success by estuarine mud snails (Ilyanassa ob- soleta). For the first time, methods are described for measuring chemical signal production, release, and transport in field habitats, over temporal and spatial scales consistent with olfactory information processing. Rates of advection and turbulent mixing were determined, and shear velocities and roughness Reynolds numbers were estimated to characterize bottom boundary layer flows. Nearly instantaneous chemical measurements were made using a computerized microprobe system and conservative tracer to establish the environmental distributions of signal molecules at rates similar to those sampled by olfactory receptor neurons. In addition, we determined the dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) compositions (up to 18 amino acids), concentrations, and effluent release rates for live intact and injured fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator) and hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), which are common prey from mud snail habitats. The field site populated by mud snails was found to be more conducive at broadcasting stronger chemical signals over longer distances than most other estuarine and ocean habitats. Live fiddler crabs released amino acids at very low fluxes (0.1 nmol-min-'-g (wet tissue aiass)-V), while live intact clams took up amino acids from seawater. Once injured, hard clams and fiddler crabs released DFAAs at 88 and 6804 nmol-min-1-g-1, respectively. Mud snails were significantly attracted to injured clams and crabs, but not to intact prey, as compared with controls. Synthetic mixtures of amino acids, simulating fluids leaking from injured prey, were also highly attractive. When we tested for effects of amino acid composition, concentration, mean volume flow rate (of chemical input), and flux, in separate experiments, only flux directly correlated with the number of mud snails attracted. The attraction of mud snails is thus more tightly coupled to the physical transport of chemical stimuli than to the molecular properties of specific amino acids.

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