
The Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) kicked off in 2018 and there are currently thirty-five Member States. The legal framework for consumer protection in the SAATM comprises the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) and the consumer protection regulatory texts which Member States are required to harmonize with their national laws. This article examines the regulatory convergence of consumer protection in Member States of the SAATM. While observing that the extent of the required harmonization is not specified, the article notes that the consumer protection regime is basically passenger rights oriented and there is need for uniformity and consistent implementation in all Member States so as to prevent conflict of laws as well as legal uncertainty for passengers. The article analyses the consumer protection regulatory framework of the SAATM and that of selected Member States and notes the divergences that can impede the operationalization of the SAATM. Africa, air transport, Yamoussoukro Decision, consumer protection, harmonization, airlines, SAATM

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