
The search aims to identify: - Regulatory conflict and its relationship to organizational justice among the heads of sports clubs in Nineveh province. The researchers used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the current research, and the eye of the research included the heads of sports clubs in Nineveh province, and the researchers used the statistical package (spss25) and the researchers assumed that there is no statistically significant moral correlation between the organizational conflict and organizational justice among the heads of sports clubs in Nineveh province. The researchers concluded: - there is a statistically significant reverse moral correlation between the organizational conflict and organizational justice of the heads of sports clubs in Nineveh province. The researchers recommended: - Holding courses and workshops for the heads of sports clubs in Nineveh province on ways and methods of conflict resolution and how to deal with them. - Applying laws and decisions to all employees without bias, and providing employees with all the details that concern them. - The distribution of tasks, responsibilities and ways of carrying out work in clear ways so that it does not become a space for conflict for overlapping work between workers. - Conducting studies similar to the current study to be more extensive in terms of sample and society. - Work to build positive working relationships between club presidents and employees of the sports institution.

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