
CACNG2 (TARPγ2, Stargazin) is a multi-functional regulator of excitatory neurotransmission and has been implicated in the pathological processes of several brain diseases. Cacng2 function is dependent upon expression level, but currently, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control expression of this gene. To address this deficit and investigate disease-related gene variants, we have cloned and characterized the rat Cacng2 promoter and have defined three major features: (i) multiple repressive domains that include an array of RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST) elements, and a calcium regulatory element-binding factor (CaRF) element, (ii) a (poly-GA) short tandem repeat (STR), and (iii) bidirectional organization with expressed lncRNAs. Functional activity of the promoter was demonstrated in transfected neuronal cell lines (HT22 and PC12), but although selective removal of REST and CaRF domains was shown to enhance promoter-driven transcription, the enhanced Cacng2 promoter constructs were still about fivefold weaker than a comparable rat Synapsin-1 promoter sequence. Direct evidence of REST activity at the Cacng2 promoter was obtained through co-transfection with an established dominant-negative REST (DNR) construct. Investigation of the GA-repeat STR revealed polymorphism across both animal strains and species, and size variation was also observed in absence epilepsy disease model cohorts (Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats, Strasbourg [GAERS] and non-epileptic control [NEC] rats). These data provide evidence of a genotype (STR)-phenotype correlation that may be unique with respect to proximal gene regulatory sequence in the demonstrated absence of other promoter, or 3′ UTR variants in GAERS rats. However, although transcriptional regulatory activity of the STR was demonstrated in further transfection studies, we did not find a GAERS vs. NEC difference, indicating that this specific STR length variation may only be relevant in the context of other (Cacna1h and Kcnk9) gene variants in this disease model. Additional studies revealed further (bidirectional) complexity at the Cacng2 promoter, and we identified novel, co-regulated, antisense rat lncRNAs that are paired with Cacng2 mRNA. These studies have provided novel insights into the organization of a synaptic protein gene promoter, describing multiple repressive and modulatory domains that can mediate diverse regulatory inputs.


  • CACNG2 (TARPγ2, Stargazin) is a plasma membrane protein that regulates excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. This 323 amino-acid protein is an auxiliary subunit of AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4isoxazolepropionic acid) glutamate receptors, a so-called trans-membrane AMPAR regulatory protein (TARP) that regulates receptor function and distribution at the synapse (Chen et al 2000; Jackson and Nicoll 2011)

  • Cacng2 is well known as the affected gene in stargazer mutant mice (Noebels et al 1990), but we have primarily studied another genetic model (GAERS; genetic absence epilepsy rats, Strasbourg) that is a polygenic rat model of absence epilepsy

  • A number of prominent features were identified in the selected 1832 bp of sequence including an initiator sequence, multiple RE-1 silencing transcription factor (REST/NRSF) elements, and a short tandem repeat (STR) sequence, that consists of a run of repeated GA motifs (Fig.1; Supplemental data, S1 & Fig. S2)

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CACNG2 (TARPγ2, Stargazin) is a plasma membrane protein that regulates excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. Of relevance to the current study of Cacng gene expression, experiments have shown that CACNG2 Bdosedependently^ affects AMPA receptor gating (Milstein et al 2007), indicating that expression level could, potentially, be a regulated aspect of CACNG2 function in the brain. Supporting this idea, CACNG2 associates with the (neuronal) activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein, ARC (Zhang et al 2015), and changes in Cacng expression are correlated with experience-dependent plasticity (Lee et al 2016; Louros et al 2014). There is evidence of both developmental- (Menuz et al 2009) and disease-related changes in Cacng expression, the latter including several different psychiatric disorders (Beneyto and MeadorWoodruff 2008; Silberberg et al 2008), and Alzheimer’s disease (Savas et al 2017)

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