
The article proposes an attempt to organize, structure and standardize the terminological and conceptual apparatus with the help of ethnological and social view and analysis of the structuring of human society in order to understand its components in the ethnic sense and with the use of social tools. And this will allow a better understanding of the goals and objectives of state policy in the field of protection of the rights of ethnic minorities. The precondition of confusion in the understanding of the concept of “nation” is analyzed and the logical understanding of the important scientific term “nation” (nation) in the context of ethnological and social stratification of society is determined. The conditions for acquiring the concept of “ethnos” of modern scientific content are presented. The understanding of the terms “titular ethnic group”, “minority”, “ethnic minority”, “small related ethnic groups”, “sub-ethnic groups”, “autochthonous minorities” and “indigenous minorities” with their division into integral, divided and dispersed is clarified and defined. “Diasporic ethnic minorities”, “stateless ethnic minorities”, “dispersed ethnic groups” and “ethnic peripheral minorities”. It is proposed to approach the old Soviet notions of “nationality” and ”nationality” from the standpoint of constructivism, in order to allow a more flexible synthesis of ethnological and social perceptions of the structuring of society and, at the same time, to bring these notions out of scientific non-existence. Articles, monographs and complex scientific researches of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and concerning the available terminological base are considered. The synthesized type of ethnological and social structuring of societies is defined in the form of the scheme, which will allow to cover the ethnic structure of human society according to the theory of ethnogenesis and to analyze the threats of social development in the field of state ethnic policy. The importance of universalizing the terminological and conceptual framework for the analysis of public policy regarding the protection of ethnic minorities has been clarified. The new content of the terms “national minority”, “dispersed national groups”, “compact and divided nationalities” has been defined, clarified and proposed. Relevant conclusions have been made on the importance of using a developed terminological and conceptual apparatus in public administration science, especially in the context of sound management of ethnic processes.


  • У статті запропонована спроба впорядкувати, структурувати й унормувати термінологічнопонятійний апарат за допомогою етнолого-соціального погляду й аналізу структурування людського суспільства задля розуміння його складових в етнічному сенсі й з використанням соціального інструментарію

  • The article proposes an attempt to organize, structure and standardize the terminological and conceptual apparatus with the help of ethnological and social view and analysis of the structuring of human society in order to understand its components in the ethnic sense and with the use of social tools

  • This will allow a better understanding of the goals and objectives of state policy in the field of protection of the rights of ethnic minorities

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У статті запропонована спроба впорядкувати, структурувати й унормувати термінологічнопонятійний апарат за допомогою етнолого-соціального погляду й аналізу структурування людського суспільства задля розуміння його складових в етнічному сенсі й з використанням соціального інструментарію. Пропонуючи до представлення повний і чіткий термінологічно-понятійний апарат www.aspects.org.ua етносоціального структурування суспільства, вкрай потрібно остаточно визначитись, чому використання поняття «нація» постійно заплутує науковців, які ним користуються, і створює непорозуміння у сприйнятті ними понятійного апарату взагалі.

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