
Aim. To study the changes in the microecology of the vagina under the influence of ascorbic acid, α-tocopherol, and retinol acetate.Materials and methods. The number of vaginal lactobacilli and opportunistic bacteria, the concentrations of IL1β, raIL1, INFγ, TGFβ1, lactoferrin and sIgA in vaginal fluids of women with deficiency of ascorbic acid (n = 35) or retinol acetate (n = 35) or α-tocopherol (n = 35) were assessed before and after intravaginal application of these vitamins. The obtained data were compared with those of healthy women without vitamin deficiency (n = 15).Results. An association between deficiency of α-tocopherol, retinol acetate and ascorbic acid with a deficiency of lactoflora, a high frequency of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis, and proinflammatory changes of the parameters of mucosal immunity has been found. A normalizing effect of all vitamins on the lactoflora of the vagina was identified. The severity of this effect decreased in the following order: α-tocopherol → retinol acetate → ascorbic acid. Retinol acetate caused the increase, while ascorbate and tocopherol caused the reduction in the number of opportunistic microorganisms. The effect of ascorbate was pronounced, but short-term, while the effect of tocopherol was less pronounced, but long-lasting. The use of vitamins affected the condition of mucosal immunity in different directions: ascorbic acid caused an increase in pro-inflammatory changes; on the contrary, α-tocopherol and retinol acetate caused anti-inflammatory changes.Conclusion. Our data on the effects of α-tocopherol, retinol acetate, and ascorbic acid on the microecological state of the vaginal biotope suggest that these vitamins may be considered as regulatory factors for both host cells and microsymbionts.


  • A normalizing effect of all vitamins on the lactoflora of the vagina was identified. The severity of this effect decreased in the following order: α-tocopherol → retinol acetate → ascorbic acid

  • The use of vitamins affected the condition of mucosal immunity in different directions: ascorbic acid caused an increase in pro-inflammatory changes; on the contrary, α-tocopherol and retinol acetate caused anti-inflammatory changes

  • Our data on the effects of α-tocopherol, retinol acetate, and ascorbic acid on the microecological state of the vaginal biotope suggest that these vitamins may be considered as regulatory factors for both host cells and microsymbionts

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Цель исследования — изучение изменений микроэкологии влагалища под влиянием препаратов аскорбиновой кислоты, α-токоферола и ретинола ацетата. Определяли количество вагинальных лактобацилл, условно-патогенных микроорганизмов, концентрацию IL1β, raIL1, INFγ, TGFβ1, лактоферрина и sIgA в вагинальной жидкости женщин с дефицитом аскорбиновой кислоты (n = 35), ретинола ацетата (n = 35) и α-токоферола (n = 35) до и после интравагинального применения указанных витаминов. Данные о влиянии на микроэкологическое состояние вагинального биотопа препаратов аскорбиновой кислоты, α-токоферола, ретинола ацетата позволяют рассматривать эти витамины в качестве регуляторных факторов как для клеток хозяина, так и для микросимбионтов. The number of vaginal lactobacilli and opportunistic bacteria, the concentrations of IL1β, raIL1, INFγ, TGFβ1, lactoferrin and sIgA in vaginal fluids of women with deficiency of ascorbic acid (n = 35) or retinol acetate (n = 35) or α-tocopherol (n = 35) were assessed before and after intravaginal application of these vitamins.

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