
1. Dose-dependent effects of adrenaline on PDHa activity were investigated with both incubated rat epidiymal fat-pads and isolated adipocytes. 2. Adrenaline (10nM- 5 micrometer) decreased PDHa activity in fat-pads incubated with 5 mM-[U-14C]glucose + insulin (20 munits/ml). Changes in [U-14C]glucose incorporation into fatty acids in these tissues correlated only loosely with changes in PDHa activity. There was a good inverse relationship between adrenaline-induced changes in PDHa activity and increases in lipolysis (glycerol release). 3. Adrenaline (10nM - 0.5 micrometer) decreased PDHa activity in fat-pads incubated with 5 mM-[U-14C]pyruvate + insulin (20 munits/ml), whereas 1 micrometer- and 5 micrometer-adrenaline slightly increased PDHa activity. All concentrations of adrenaline tested decreased [U-14C]pyruvate incorporation into fatty acids. Between 10nM- and 0.5 micrometer-adrenaline percentage decreases in PDHa activity paralleled decreases in faty acid synthesis. 4. Effects of adrenaline on PDHa activity and fatty acid synthesis in fat-pads incubated with 5mM-[U-14C]pyruvate + insulin (20 munits/ml) could not be mimicked by addition of albumin-bound palmitate. 5. The response of PDHa activity to adrenaline (0.1 nM - 1 micrometer) in isolated adipocytes differed with the carbohydrate substrate used in the incubations. With 5 mM-glucose + insulin (20 munits/ml), PDHa activity was significantly increased by 10 nM-adrenaline, but not by 1 micrometer-adrenaline, the response to adrenaline being biphasic. There was some correlation between PDHa activity and accumulation of non-esterified fatty acids. With 5 mM-glucose alone adrenaline (0.1 nM - 1 micrometer) had no effect on PDHa activity even though lipolysis was increased by adrenaline (0.1 micrometer - 1 micrometer). With 5mM-fructose in the presence and absence of insulin, lipolytic doses of adrenaline decreased PDHa activity. No tested concentrations of adrenaline increased PDHa with this substrate. 6. In the presence of 5 mM-fructose, palmitate was significantly more effective than adrenaline with respect to the maximum decrease in PDHa activity that could be elicited. 4. The relationship of changes in PDHa activity to changes in lipogenesis and the likelihood of adrenaline-induced changes in PDHa activity being secondary to changes in non-esterified fatty acid metabolism are discussed.

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