
Apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV is a protein synthesized, in humans, only by the small intestine. It has a molecular weight of 46 000 Da. This paper summarizes the evidence supporting its role as a satiety factor following the ingestion of fat. This function of apo A-IV is unique and not shared by other apolipoproteins, including apo A-I. The satiety effect of apo A-IV is centrally mediated. The mechanism of how apo A-IV inhibits food intake is not clear but it probably acts by inhibiting both gastric acid secretion as well as gastric motility. Lipid absorption stimulates apo A-IV synthesis and secretion by the jejunum. In addition to lipid feeding, there is evidence that a factor which is released as a result of lipid absorption in the distal small intestine also stimulates the synthesis and release of apo A-IV by the jejunum. This factor is probably PYY.

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