
he phenomenon of forced or compulsory labour is one of the most important problems faced by the international community. The most important international body that is in a position to adopt legal rules on combating this phenomenon is the International Labour Organization (ILO). In this respect, this organization has adopted since 1930 some legal instruments that deal with forced or compulsory labour. The basic ILO conventions in this field are: Convention No. 29/1930, Convention No. 105/1957 and Convention No 182/1999, conventions to which we will refer in this paper. Also, on June 11, 2014, was adopted the Protocol to Convention No. 29, which is another international instrument aimed at strengthening international efforts to end all forms of forced or compulsory labour. Together with the adoption of this Protocol, the International Labour Organization Conference also adopted Recommendation No. 203. By adopting these international standards, the International Labour Organization has sought to ensure the respect for fundamental human rights, in particular the right to work.

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