
The aim of this study was investigation of cellular and humoral immunity and of systemic inflammation in patients with COPD + asthma phenotype. Methods . The study involved 115 patients (60 males) including 44 patients with stable COPD stage I–II, 39 patients with mild controlled or partially controlled asthma and 12 patients with COPD + asthma phenotype. Twenty healthy nonsmokers were included as controls. Results. Immune disorders in patients with COPD + asthma phenotype included increased numbers of T - helpers, cytotoxic T - lymphocytes and B - lymphocytes and increased IgE level. Increased serum concentrations of TNF - α and IL - 4 and decreased IFN - γ concentration were also found in these patients. Conclusion. Th2 - type of the immune response was observed in patients with COPD + asthma phenotype; these findings could underlie persistent inflammation.


  • Twenty healthy nonsmokers were included as controls

  • decreased IFN γ concentration were also found in these patients

  • Th2 type of the immune response was observed in patients with COPD + asthma phenotype

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Передовая статья

Е.Г.Лобанова 1, Е.П.Калинина 1, В.В.Кнышова 1, М.В.Антонюк 1, Б.И.Гельцер 2, Ю.К.Денисенко 1, Т.А.Гвозденко 1. Изучено состояние клеточного гуморального иммунитета, уровень эйкозаноидов (ТХВ2 ЛТВ4), про и противовоспалительных цитокинов (интерферон (IFN) γ, фактор некроза опухоли (TNF) α, интерлейкин (IL) 4) у больных с коморбидным течением хронической обструктивной болезни легких и бронхиальной астмы. Увеличение секреции провоспалительных (TNF α и IL 4) и снижение продукции противовоспалительного (IFN γ) цитокинов на фоне дисбаланса клеточного иммунитета с преобладанием В клеточного звена. Увеличение секреции эйкозаноидов, синтеза оппозиционного IL 4 и снижение продукции цитокинов Th1 типа, сопряженные с увеличением иммуноглобулина Е, указывают на механизмы переключения на Th2 тип иммунного ответа. – Vladivostok branch of Federal Institution "Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Respiratory Pathology", Northern Department of Russian Academy of Medical Science; Scientific Research Institute of Medical Climatology and Rehabilitation: 73G, Russkaya ul.; Vladivostok, 690105, Russia;. – Federal Institution "Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service": 41, Gogolya ul., Vladivostok, 690014, Russia

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