
The effect of various carbon, nitrogen and sulfur sources on the production of heparinase by Flavobacterium heparinum in defined medium in the presence and absence of heparin as the inducer has been studied. Carbon catabolite repression has been observed in defined medium containing one of several carbon sources including simple sugars, alcohols and organic acids. Fed batch fermentations result in 10 g/l of cells and heparinase titers as high as 100,000 U/l by avoiding carbon catabolite repression. Growth on heparin as a sole carbon source resulted in both a high growth rate of 0.12 h−1 and a high specific activity of 18 U/mg. Specific heparinase activity was markedly reduced when the end products of heparin catabolism were used as carbon, nitrogen or sulfur sources in defined medium. In defined medium with a low sulfate concentration, of less than 10−3 M, specific activities as high as 8 U/mg have been observed even in the absence of the normally required inducer, heparin.

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