
The adhE gene encodes ethanol dehydrogenase and is located at min 27.9 of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Expression of adhE is about 10-fold higher in cells grown anaerobically than in cells grown aerobically and is dependent on both transcriptional and posttranscriptional factors. In this study, a trans-regulatory element repressing adhE expression was characterized by genetic and biochemical approaches. A mutation downregulating adhE expression was mapped at min 2 of the chromosome. DNA sequence analysis revealed a missense mutation in the cra gene, formerly known as fruR. The cra gene encodes a catabolite repressor-activator protein (Cra) involved in the modulation of carbon flow in E. coli. The mutant protein (Cra*) sustained an Arg148-->His substitution causing 1.5- and 3-fold stronger repression of adhE transcription under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, respectively. By contrast, cra null mutants displayed 1.5- and 4-fold increased adhE transcription under those conditions. Disruption of the cra gene did not abolish the anaerobic activation of the adhE gene but diminished it twofold. Cra and Cra* were purified as fusion proteins tagged with an N-terminal 6xHis element. In vitro, both fusion proteins showed binding to the adhE promoter region and to the control fruB promoter region, which is a known Cra target. However, only 6xHis-tagged Cra, and not 6xHis-Cra*, was displaced from the DNA target by the effector, fructose-1-phosphate (F1P), suggesting that the mutant protein is locked in a promoter-binding conformation and is no longer responsive to F1P. We suggest that Cra helps to tighten the control of adhE transcription under aerobic conditions by its repression.

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