
This article discusses the question of choosing the optimal characteristics of a control system for diesel-electric installations, as sources of guaranteed power supply. The study discusses ways to improve the transient performance of diesel-electric installations; features of their work, due to which an improvement in profitability at shared loads is achieved. The conditions of stabilization of the frequency of generated energy in diesel-electric installations are considered. A scheme of one of the possible options for a functional speed controller for diesel-electric installations with asynchronous machines, which ensures their stable operation, is presented and described. An experimental statistical mathematical model of a system for automatically controlling the speed of a diesel engine in diesel-electric installations with asynchronous generators has been developed and studied. The studies conducted allowed the authors to conclude that the control system, consisting of a functional speed controller and a speed boosting device, provides high quality of generated electricity in both static and dynamic modes of operation of diesel-electric plants with asynchronous generators, as well as satisfactory transient performance processes and high fuel efficiency during operation.

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