
Introduction. It is ascertained that the construction sector has a social orientation. It is an investment- capacious sector of the national economy. It is noted that the general trend of recent years is to reduce the volume of construction work performed, reduce construction activity, worsen the financial condition of construction companies and reduce their number. It is substantiated that the main factor that determines such a state of affairs in housing construction and defines the negative growth rates of housing volumes is the slowdown in investment activity. Therefore, the investment process is one of the most important directions of development of state regulation and management. Purpose. Organizational and legal methods of state regulation have a direct impact on the subjects of investment activity. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to consider organizational and legal methods of state regulation of investment processes in the context of the transformational development of the residential sector. Method (methodology). To achieve the goal of the article the following research methods have been used: method of generalization, method of comparison, historical method. Results. It is noted that the development of the regulatory framework in Ukraine is carried out taking into account the experience and requirements of the European Union. However, achievements in this area are insignificant and require further improvement to improve the investment climate in the country. An important step in increasing the investment attractiveness of the construction industry is the harmonization of the system of technical regulation of Ukraine with international standards. It is concluded that separately applied administrative regulators cannot always effectively influence the maintenance of the orderliness of the components of the innovation and investment process in the field of housing construction. Objectively, such state regulation is needed, in which a complex of motivation regulators will be applied. Joint actions of state regulators and market self-regulators will contribute to achieving the optimal structure and infrastructure of investment and construction activities of business entities.

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