
There are indications that the cytokinin content in transgenic tissues expressing the cytokinin biosynthetic ipt gene is under metabolic control, which prevents the accumulation of cytokinins to lethal levels. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between the content of endogenous cytokinins and the activity of cytokinin oxidase (which is believed to be a copper‐containing amine oxidase, EC in ipt transgenic tobacco callus. In addition, the effect of exogenously applied N‐benzyladenine (BA) on this relationship was examined. Endogenous cytokinin concentrations were measured in callus of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SRI transformed with the ipt of Agrobacterium tumefaciens under the control of a light‐inducible promoter and in non‐transformed tissue using LC‐tandem mass spectrometry. The activity of cytokinin oxidase was estimated by measuring the conversion of [2,8‐3H]N6‐(Δ2‐isopentenyl)adenine to [3H]adenine by enzyme preparations in vitro.The 14‐day‐old ipt‐transformed callus contained a 25‐fold higher amount of cytokinins as compared to the non‐transformed tissue. Mainly zeatin‐ and dihydrozeatin‐types of cytokinins (free bases, ribosides, nucleotides and O‐glucosides) accumulated in the ipt transgenic tissue. The cytokinin pool of both ipt‐transformed and non‐transformed tissues consisted predominantly of cytokinins that are either resistant to cytokinin oxidase attack (nucleotides and O‐glucosides of cytokinins and cytokinins bearing N6‐saturated side chain) or have a low affinity for the enzyme (zeatin and its riboside). The former represented 71.6 and 74.8% and the latter 27.7 and 24.4% of the pool of endogenous cytokinins in ipt‐transformed and non‐transformed tissues, respectively. Enzyme preparations from ipt‐transformed tissue exhibited 1.5‐fold higher cytokinin oxidase activity compared with that observed in control tissues.Application of exogenous BA affected the total levels of cytokinins of the two tissue lines in different ways. The cytokinin content increased by 1.7‐ and 1.5‐fold in ipt‐transformed tissues 6 and 12 h after BA application, respectively, while it declined in the non‐transformed control by 1.6‐ to 2.0‐fold between 3 and 12 h after BA application. The increase in cytokinin content in the ipt callus is due to an increase of zeatin‐ and dihydrozeatin‐type cytokinins (nucleotides, ribosides and free bases) leading to an enhanced accumulation of O‐glucosides after 12 h. Following BA treatment, the cytokinin oxidase activity increased up to 1.8‐fold in ipt‐transformed and 1.6‐fold in non‐transformed tissues. The levels of isopentenyl‐type cytokinins were near the detection limit; however, the enhancement of cytokinin oxidase activity after BA treatment in both tissue lines was correlated with the content of preferred substrate of the enzyme, N6‐(Δ2‐isopentenyl)adenosine.

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