
噬藻体是环境中一类以蓝藻为主要宿主的浮游病毒.由于其能特异性裂解蓝藻细胞,因而成为蓝藻种群密度的重要生物调控因子,并被探讨用作蓝藻水华的潜在生物治理方案.噬藻体与蓝藻的相互作用机制可以降低宿主细胞丰度、改变浮游生物群落构成,促进碳、氮、磷等关键生命元素在水体中的生物地球化学循环过程.本文总结了近60年来分离的噬藻体及其对宿主藻的侵染机制,重点介绍了噬藻体对蓝藻种群密度的调节作用,并分析了噬藻体裂解蓝藻对水生态系统中营养物质循环、浮游生物群落变化的影响,并评价了噬藻体对蓝藻水华调控的潜在生态效应.噬藻体实际环境治理应用仍存在较大的挑战,例如噬藻体在水体中易与蓝藻形成共存;噬藻体感染、裂解水华蓝藻后水体中藻毒素消长,在很大程度上决定其安全性,相关科学问题仍需要进一步探索.本文将有助于更加全面地了解噬藻体在水生态系统中的作用,并评估噬藻体对蓝藻群落结构的调控和水体中物质循环过程的影响.;Cyanophage is a kind of planktonic viruses with cyanobacteria as host in the environment. Because it can specifically lytic cyanobacteria cells, it has become an effective biological regulator of cyanobacteria population density and has been discussed as a potential biological treatment scheme for cyanobacteria bloom. The interaction mechanism between cyanophage and cyanobacteria can reduce the abundance of host cells, change the composition of plankton community, and promote the biogeochemical cycle of key life elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in water. This paper reviews cyanophage isolated in different water bodies in recent 60 years, summarizes the infection mechanisms of cyanophage, and focuses on the adjustment of cyanophage in cyanobacteria population. The effects of cyanobacteria lysis by cyanophage on nutrient cycling and plankton community changes in aquatic ecosystem are analyzed, and the ecological effects of cyanophage on the regulation of cyanobacteria bloom are evaluated. However, it should be pointed out that there are still great challenges in the practical environmental treatment application of cyanophage. For example, cyanophage is easy to coexist with cyanobacteria in water, and the change trend of cyanotoxins in water after cyanophage infecting still needs to be further explored. This review will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of cyanophage and evaluate the regulatory effect of cyanophage on cyanobacteria community structure and the process of material circulation in water.

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