
While deep within the maternal tissues (pods and testa), cotyledons of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) green and the plastids differentiate as chloroplasts. At the time of seed maturation the chloroplasts dedifferentiate and the green color is lost. We have used Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) and chlorophyll to study chloroembryo development. Chlorophyll levels and Rubisco activity increase early in embryonic development then decline as the cotyledons enter the maturation phase. Rubisco accumulation follows a strong temporal pattern over the course of embryo development, and furthermore, occurs in total darkness. Therefore, accumulation of Rubisco during embryogenesis may occur in response to developmental signals. In embryos developed in total darkness, Rubisco accumulation was uncoupled from chlorophyll accumulation. Exposure of isolated cotyledons to abscisic acid (ABA) resulted in loss of chlorophyll and decline in Rubisco levels comparable to those seen in normal embryogenesis. This indicates that the decline in Rubisco in chloroembryos in vivo results from factors such as ABA that signal the onset of maturation. The results show that ABA not only enhances the accumulation of some proteins (e.g. storage proteins), but also depresses the accumulation of others during embryogeny.

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