
The main goal of this research plan was to elucidate regulatory mechanisms controlling the development, function of the bovine corpus luteum (CL). The CL contains two different sterodigenic cell types and therefore it was necessary to obtain pure cell population. A system was developed in which granulosa and theca interna cells, isolated from a preovulatory follicle, acquired characteristics typical of large (LL) and small (SL) luteal cells, respectively, as judged by several biochemical and morphological criteria. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of granulosa cells removal on subsequent CL function, the results obtained support the concept that granulosa cells make a substaintial contribution to the output of progesterone by the cyclic CL but may have a limited role in determining the functional lifespan of the CL. This experimental model was also used to better understand the contribution of follicular granulosa cells to subsequent luteal SCC mRNA expression. The mitochondrial cytochrome side-chain cleavage enzyme (SCC), which converts cholesterol to pregnenolone, is the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the steroidogenic pathway. Experiments were conducted to characterize the gene expression of P450scc in bovine CL. Levels of P450scc mRNA were higher during mid-luteal phase than in either the early or late luteal phases. PGF 2a injection decreased luteal P450scc mRNA in a time-dependent manner; levels were significantly reduced by 2h after treatment. CLs obtained from heifers on day 8 of the estrous cycle which had granulosa cells removed had a 45% reduction in the levels of mRNA for SCC enzymes as well as a 78% reduction in the numbers of LL cells. To characterize SCC expression in each steroidogenic cell type we utilized pure cell populations. Upon luteinization, LL expressed 2-3 fold higher amounts of both SCC enzymes mRNAs than SL. Moreover, eight days after stimulant removal, LL retained their P4 production capacity, expressed P450scc mRNA and contained this protein. In our attempts to establish the in vitro luteinization model, we had to select the prevulatory and pre-gonadotropin surge follicles. The ratio of estradiol:P4 which is often used was unreliable since P4 levels are high in atretic follicles and also in preovulatory post-gonadotropin follicles. We have therefore examined whether oxytocin (OT) levels in follicular fluids could enhance our ability to correctly and easily define follicular status. Based on E2 and OT concentrations in follicular fluids we could more accurately identify follicles that are preovulatory and post gonadotropin surge. Next we studied OT biosynthesis in granulosa cells, cells which were incubated with forskolin contained stores of the precursor indicating that forskolin (which mimics gonadotropin action) is an effective stimulator of OT biosynthesis and release. While studying in vitro luteinization, we noticed that IGF-I induced effects were not identical to those induced by insulin despite the fact that megadoses of insulin were used. This was the first indication that the cells may secrete IGF binding protein(s) which regonize IGFs and not insulin. In a detailed study involving several techniques, we characterized the species of IGF binding proteins secreted by luteal cells. The effects of exogenous polyunsaturated fatty acids and arachidonic acid on the production of P4 and prostanoids by dispersed bovine luteal cells was examined. The addition of eicosapentaenoic acid and arachidonic acid resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in basal and LH-stimulated biosynthesis of P4 and PGI2 and an increase in production of PGF 2a and 5-HETE production. Indomethacin, an inhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism via the production of 5-HETE was unaffected. Results of these experiments suggest that the inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid on the biosynthesis of luteal P4 is due to either a direct action of arachidonic acid, or its conversion to 5-HETE via the lipoxgenase pathway of metabolism. The detailed and important information gained by the two labs elucidated the mode of action of factors crucially important to the function of the bovine CL. The data indicate that follicular granulosa cells make a major contribution to numbers of large luteal cells, OT and basal P4 production, as well as the content of cytochrome P450 scc. Granulosa-derived large luteal cells have distinct features: when luteinized, the cell no longer possesses LH receptors, its cAMP response is diminished yet P4 synthesis is sustained. This may imply that maintenance of P4 (even in the absence of a Luteotropic signal) during critical periods such as pregnancy recognition, is dependent on the proper luteinization and function of the large luteal cell.

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