
Intestinal microbes have profound effects on inflammatory autoimmunity in sites distant from the gut. The mechanisms whereby this happens are only now beginning to be understood and may include such diverse effects as innate stimulation of migrating immune cells and effects of circulating bacterial metabolites. Our studies add to this the demonstration that microbiota may provide a source of cross-reactive antigenic material that activates autoreactive lymphocytes within the gut environment. In a spontaneous model of autoimmune uveitis, T lymphocytes specific to a retinal autoantigen are activated through their specific antigen receptor in the gut and acquire the ability to fuel inflammatory autoimmunity in the eye. In view of the huge diversity of commensals, it is conceivable that they may provide surrogate antigens for activation of autoreactive lymphocytes(s) of other tissue specificities, and might therefore be involved in the etiology of autoimmune diseases more frequently than is currently appreciated.

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