
Experimental data on the dynamics of the most important agrophysical indicators of soil fertility which were obtained against the background of various fertilizer systems and predecessors in the development of degraded reclaimed lands that were withdrawn from circulation are presented. It has been shown that the rate of formation of a macrostructure that is valuable in production (0.25-10 mm) strongly depends on the amount of organic matter entering the soil in the form of high doses of all types of organic fertilizers, green manure and crop-root residues, upon decomposition of which an active humus is formed, which, when interacting with calcium, impregnates and cements the soil lumps, transforming them into a water-insoluble form. The greatest positive influence on the structural coefficient is exerted by cultivation of barley according to the organic background with the introduction of manure (40 … 80 t / ha) or liquid runoff of livestock complexes (120 t / ha) in combination with sowing application 10 kg a.v. P2O5 and 30 kg a.m. nitrogen as a top dressing per 1 ha. It has been established that in order to improve agrophysical parameters when degraded lands are involved in agricultural production, along with the introduction of high doses of organic fertilizers, crops with a deeply penetrating, powerfully developed root system that can not only condense the arable and plow layers, reduce acidity should be sown soil, but also at the same time improve its structure.

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