
Although graphene-based heterostructures exhibit excellent intrinsic properties for device scaling, fabricating low Schottky barrier is still a great challenge to the electrical transport behaviors of nanoelectronic devices. Exploring excellent materials for electronic devices are a research hotspot at present. Graphene not only exhibits excellent physical strength and specific surface area, but also presents high carrier mobility and thermal conductivity. Therefore, graphene has been developed in many fields such as energy, catalysis, etc. However, graphene is a special material with zero band gap, and its electrons and holes are easy to compound, which seriously hinders its development in the applications of electronic and optoelectronic devices. Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have the advantages of controllable band gap properties, which makes them have a good development in logic circuits and photodetectors. As one of TMD<sub>S</sub>, MoSe<sub>2</sub> possesses the advantages of narrower band gap, better electron hole separation and stronger oxidation resistance in the environment. Therefore, the design of graphene and MoSe<sub>2</sub> heterostructures is an ideal choice for a new generation of nanoelectronic devices. Here, we investigate systematically the effects of asymmetric O doping on the electronic properties and Schottky barrier of graphene/MoSe<sub>2(1–<i>x</i>)</sub>O<sub>2<i>x</i></sub> heterostructure for the first time by first-principles calculations incorporating semiempirical dispersion-correction scheme. The results indicate that graphene and MoSe<sub>2</sub> monolayer can form a stable van der Waals heterostructure with preserving their own intrinsic properties. In addition, an n-type schottky contact with a barrier height of 0.558 eV is obtained. Further, it is found that the type and the height of the Schottky barrier can be controlled by changing the concentration and sites of the O dopant at interface. By increasing the concentration of the O dopant inside the interface, the transition from an n-type Schottky contact to an Ohmic contact can be realized, and a low n-type Schottky barrier is gained with increasing the concentration of the O dopant outside the interface for highly efficient charge transfer. The barrier height of heterostructure decreases from 0.558 eV to 0.112 eV when the O dopant is doped on the outer interface. Finally, as a complement to previous results, it is confirmed that the redistribution of interfacial charges leads the Fermi level to shift, and thus determining the type and the height of Schottky barrier. This study may provide theoretical guidance for designing and manufacturing the MoSe<sub>2</sub>-based nano field effect transistors.


  • We investigate systematically the effects of asymmetric O doping on the electronic properties and Schottky barrier of graphene/MoSe2(1–x)O2x heterostructure for the first time by first-principles calculations incorporating semiempirical dispersion-correction scheme

  • The results indicate that graphene and MoSe2 monolayer can form a stable van der Waals heterostructure with preserving their own intrinsic properties

  • 2) (School of Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China)

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Vacuum in

图 3 静电势 (a) 石墨烯; (b) 单层二硒化钼; (c) 石墨烯/ 二硒化钼异质结 (红色和紫色虚线分别代表费米能级和真 空能级); (d) 石墨烯和单层二硒化钼接触前和接触后的带 边位置图. 计算结果如图 3 所示, 可以看出二硒化钼的功函数 高于石墨烯, 异质结的功函数在石墨烯和二硒化钼 功函数之间. 二硒化钼的 VBM 和 CBM 带边位置 EVB 和 ECB 相对于标准氢电极 (normal hydrogen electrode, NHE) 分别为 1.40 V 和–0.12 V. 在图 3(d) 中, 当形成异质结时, 为了达到平衡状态, 石墨烯 的部分电子转移到二硒化钼表面, 使得电子在异质 结二硒化钼内表面聚集, 由此形成了从石墨烯指向 二硒化钼的内建电场 Ein, 在界面处产生了电子势 垒, 阻止了电子从石墨烯到单层二硒化钼的扩散, 使得电子的扩散和漂移运动达到平衡. 因此, 二硒 化钼的费米能级向负方向移动, 石墨烯的费米能级 向正方向移动, 直到其费米能级一致, 形成了一个 向上的能带弯曲 (D = 0.16 V), 最终形成了一个 n 型肖特基势垒

Interface region
Ohmic contact
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