
Transit network planners often propose network structures that either assume a certain level of regularity or are even especially focused on improving service reliability, such as networks in which parts of lines share a common route or the introduction of short-turn services. The key idea is that travelers on that route will have a more frequent transit service. The impact of such network designs on service regularity is rarely analyzed in a quantitative way. This paper presents a tool that can be used to assess the impact of network changes on the regularity on a transit route and on the level of transit demand. The tool can use actual data on the punctuality of the transit system. The application of such a tool is illustrated in two ways. A case study on introducing coordinated services shows that the use of such a tool leads to more realistic estimates than the traditional approach. Second, a set of graphs is developed which can be used for a quick scan when considering network changes. These graphs can be used to assess the effect of coordinating the schedules and of improving the punctuality.

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