
AbstractThe work is devoted to the goal-setting study in the management of an industrial enterprise. The aim of the work is to reveal the patterns of hidden management of the of industrial enterprises socio-economic systems with purposeful activity in the quality field with stepwise and linear control laws. The reasons for the emergence of latent goals in the quality field are considered and the prospects for making decisions on their achievement in the current period are noted. The patterns of hidden control of the industrial enterprises socio-economic systems are revealed for linear and stepwise control laws on the basis of system and mathematical analysis methods, as well as the methods of the automated control theory. The identified patterns were verified using the example of the particular enterprise production activity. Two goals in the CJSC “Salyut” quality field were identified and each goal was considered both explicitly and implicitly set before the employees of the enterprise with stepwise and linear control laws. The revealed mechanisms of the system properties parameters interaction of the enterprises activities as well as the obtained regularities of the hidden management of their socio-economic systems made it possible to formulate the approach to purposeful activity in the industrial enterprise quality field consisting seven stages. The proposed approach will allow the enterprise management to reasonably plan goals in the quality field taking into account the hidden management of socio-economic systems. KeywordsQuality goalHidden goalStepwise controlLinear control

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