
Recent intrusion detection systems (IDS) use regular expressions instead of static patterns as a more efficient way to represent hazardous packet payload contents. This paper focuses on regular expressions pattern matching engines implemented in reconfigurable hardware. A nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) based implementation was presented, which takes advantage of new basic building blocks to support more complex regular expressions than the previous approaches. The methodology is supported by a tool that automatically generates the circuitry for the given regular expressions, outputting VHDL representations ready for logic synthesis. Furthermore, techniques to reduce the area cost of our designs and maximize performance when targeting FPGAs were included. Experimental results show that our tool is able to generate a regular expression engine to match more than 500 IDS regular expressions (from the Snort ruleset) using only 25K logic cells and achieving 2 Gbps throughput on a Virtex2 and 2.9 on a Virtex4 device. Concerning the throughput per area required per matching non-meta character, our design is 3.4 and 10 times more efficient than previous ASIC and FPGA approaches, respectively

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