
We consider the problem of resource provisioning for real-time cyber-physical applications in an open system environment where there does not exist a global resource scheduler that has complete knowledge of the real-time performance requirements of each individual application that shares the resources with the other applications. Regularity-based Resource Partition (RRP) model is an effective strategy to hierarchically partition and assign various resource slices among such applications. However, previous work on RRP model only discusses uniform resource environment, where resources are implicitly assumed to be synchronized and clocked at the same frequency. The challenge is that a task utilizing multiple resources may experience unexpected delays in non-uniform environments, where resources are clocked at different frequencies. This paper extends the RRP model to non-uniform multi-resource open system environments to tackle this problem. It first introduces a novel composite resource partition abstraction and then proposes algorithms to construct and reconfigure the composite resource partitions. Specifically, the Acyclic Regular Composite Resource Partition Scheduling (ARCRP-S) algorithm constructs regular composite resource partitions and the Acyclic Regular Composite Resource Partition Dynamic Reconfiguration (ARCRP-DR) algorithm reconfigures the composite resource partitions in the run time upon requests of partition configuration changes. Our experimental results show that compared with state-of-the-art methods, ARCRP-S can prevent unexpected resource supply shortfall and improve the schedulability up to 50%. On the other hand, ARCRP-DR can guarantee the resource supply during the reconfiguration with moderate computational overhead.

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