
The interdisciplinary domain Data Science exists ubiquitously for helping to filter out status of the passive data existing over the internet through analytics techniques on Big Data. In fact, it is intricate procedure of exploring different data set to disclose facts including hidden pattern, unidentified correlations and market trend that could assist organizations make business verdicts by predicting. A number of experts are working on vegetables and fruits yield prediction, the analysis of rice yield prediction using regression analysis with Python language is presented in this paper. The rice data of District Larkana is collected from Agriculture Statistic Department, Islamabad with three factors: Area under Cultivation, Production and Yield. The linear regression technique is applied to calculate the relationship between the Area under Cultivation (Independent) and its effect on Yield (Dependent). The positive, moderate and significant relationship is observed between the dependent and independent variables. This study can helps to researchers for knowing the worth of analytics techniques for prediction of harvest.

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