
In deeply weathered terrains, with high geological diversity and scarce outcrops, the lateritic regolith features support mineral research. Predictive regolith mapping uses spatial modeling and airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data to locate weathered residual products, such as the ferruginous lateritic duricrusts found in tropical regions. Although the regolith materials exhibit qualitative similarities in their gamma-ray spectrometric responses in RGB (KThU) images, the Boolean and fuzzy approaches highlighted differences that allows for mapping the regolith weathering residual products on a wide geodiversity protoliths. Two inference systems were used, one identified the ferruginous lateritic duricrusts and oxisols derived from the felsic/pelitc and mafic rocks types (TP test procedures), and the other identified solely those derived exclusively from mafic rocks (TPM test procedures). Cutoff values for the conjunction eTh/K ∩ eU/K ∩ eTh ∩ K (TP-4) using Boolean logic, provided the most accurate regolith map (accuracy = 95%) among the various tests carried out and indicate that in 28.6% of the total study area, there are lateritic duricrust and oxisols relative to rocks, saprolites, mottled horizons and other soils type. The eTh cutoff value > 4.4 ppm was used to exclude mafic rocks and associated soils, and the K value < 1.3% to exclude rocks with eTh/K and eU/K values similar to the lateritic duricrusts and oxisols. For mapping the lateritic duricrusts derived exclusively from the mafic rocks the conjunction of eTh ∩ eU/K ∩ eTh/K ∩ K ∩ eU (TPM-3) fuzzified by the large membership function was the most efficient. The eU variable with values < 1.21 ppm helps improve the effectiveness of this procedure. The generated predictive map indicated that in about ∼12% (657.9 km2) of the total study area, there are lateritic duricrusts and oxisols derived from mafic rocks. Therefore, a successful method of mapping vast areas from complicated lateritic regolith mosaic derived from a large geodiversity is to apply specific plugins for data fuzzification, supported by observations from field outcrops.

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