
Premise of research. Fossils representing aquatic ferns with clear affinities to extant Regnellidium (Salviniales, Marsileaceae) are reported for the first time from Upper Cretaceous sediments of the La Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, Argentina.Methodology. Preserved organs including rhizomes bearing roots, compound leaves, and associated putative sporocarps were collected from the Cerro Bosta and Quebrada del Helecho localities of the La Colonia Formation. Spores were macerated for the macrofossil-bearing sediments of the Cerro Bosta locality and examined with SEM.Pivotal results. The macrofossils are morphologically similar to extant Regnellidium diphyllum. The fossil plants are rhizomatous, with the rhizomes bearing roots and leaves with two leaflets. The leaflets have dichotomizing venation and a marginal vein. Associated megaspores attributed to Molaspora lobata and microspores of the Crybeloporites type are also comparable to those of extant Regnellidium.Conclusions. These fossils represent the ...

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